The Concept School Thanks All of Our
Capital Campaign Donors for Their Generous Support.
Bronze Up to $999
Audrey and John Bewley
Steven and Kathryn Burtch
Susan Callahan
Charities Aid Foundation America
Katrina Connors
Mary Culler
Leslie Davila
Sheila Fredericks
Jasbir Gahunia
Herman and Martha Goldner
Keith and Linda Handling
Teresa Harris
Nancee Hecht
Peter and Marie Herman
Harold Hoffman
Jacobi Partners LLC
Janet Buttolph Johnson
Nancy Kang
Todd Kirkes and Mark Stehr
Stephen and Patricia Larkin
Deann and Jonathan Lichtenstein
Mary Lidle
Sylvania and William Medico
Jeanette and Richard Merion
Martha and Dave Phillps
Camille and Richard Piccone
Faiyaz Rushd
Evan Schullery
Juan and Theresa Segarra
Joseph Syernick
Shannon Tilmon
Donna Marie Zoccoli
Silver $1,000 – $4,999
Jeff Aldi
William Bennett
Bruce and Mary Jo Johnson
Magi and Bernhard Koch
Mass Mutual Life Insurance
Nancy and Daniel Maguire
Thomas Medico
Anne and Tim Searl in Memory of
John and Carol Tucker
Thomas and Susan Zirpoli
Gold $5,000 – $14,999
Broken Wing Foundation
Terrance and Victoria Ryan
Platinum $15,000 and above
Quest for the Best
James Wyeth Foundation